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Why Did Bowdoin Choose the Polar Bear as Their Mascot?

Nestled amidst the icy landscapes of the Arctic, Bowdoin College proudly boasts the polar bear as its mascot. But what prompted the Bowdoin Alumni Association to select this majestic creature to represent the College in 1913?

The answer lies in Bowdoin’s unique connection to the Arctic. Founded in 1770, the college boasts a long history of pioneering scientific expeditions and research in the region. From the legendary Franklin Expedition of 1847, which sailed from Bowdoin Harbor, to numerous contemporary research projects, Bowdoin has been at the forefront of Arctic exploration and conservation.

The polar bear’s symbolic significance perfectly aligns with Bowdoin’s Arctic legacy. Known for their resilience, strength, and adaptability in harsh environments, these magnificent creatures embody the qualities of Bowdoin students and alumni – individuals prepared to navigate challenging landscapes and make a difference in the world.

Furthermore, the polar bear represents the vital role Bowdoin plays in environmental research and advocacy. The college has a distinguished faculty and research program focused on understanding and preserving the Arctic ecosystem. This commitment aligns perfectly with the polar bear’s status as a symbol of the delicate balance of life in the Arctic.

The selection of the polar bear as Bowdoin’s mascot is more than just a symbolic choice. It reflects the College’s rich history, its ongoing scientific pursuits, and its deep connection to the Arctic environment. The polar bear stands as a testament to Bowdoin’s spirit of exploration, discovery, and environmental stewardship.

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